
【学术视频】德国科学院院士Hans-Joachim Freund教授:Model Systems in...

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | Hans-Joachim Freund教授

题   目:Model Systems in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Surface Chemistry of Complex Systems at the Atomic Level

报告人:Hans-Joachim Freund

单   位:Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society

时   间:2019-05-07

地   点:中国科学技术大学



The investigation of model systems has successfully demonstrated that surface science results may be directly transferred to heterogeneous catalysis under realistic conditions, and it offers an approach to correlate structural and electronic information at the atomic level with reactivity. An approach to model oxide-supported metal catalysts using a thin film approach is presented. Here the oxide support is prepared as a thin oxide film on a metal support, which guarantees the applicability of the tool-box of surface scienee even in the case nominally insulating substrates and metal partieles are grown via physical vapor deposition. The sites at the oxide-metal interface are of particular interest, as they ae often held responsible to present the active site. Au particles supported on an MgO(100)/Mo(100) have been predicted to get negatively charged. It is shown that this prediction is verified and reactivity is induced at the metal particle rim(2-4). It is discussed how this scenario may be used to control charge on powder metal catalysts (5). In the second part of the presentation we discuss how surface science studies may be employed to understand fundamental issues with respect to reaction in confined space: A thin silica film is prepared on a Ru(0001) surface and is only bound to the substrate by dispersive foeces and thus leaves a space open between the metal surface and the oxide film to use our SMART-LEEM/PEEM instrument to follow the oxidation of hydrogen provided from the gas phase by oxygen adsorbed on the Ru(0001) surface. The experimental results are discussed in comparison to theoretical calculations.


Freund教授是德国科学院院士、欧洲人文和自然科学院院士、欧洲科学院院士、美国人文与科学院外籍院士、巴西科学院外籍院士、匈牙利科学院外籍院士,University Aix Marseille, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg荣誉博士,美国物理学会和英国物理学会会士,中国化学会荣誉会士。他在表面科学与多相催化基础研究领域做出了引领性的研究成果,获得众多国际奖项,包括欧洲科学院Blaise Pascal Medal、美国化学会Gabor A. SomorjaiAward 、美国真空学会Gaede-Langmuir Award、北美催化联合会和欧洲催化联合会Michel Boudart Award等。迄今为止,Freund教授共培养了130余名博士和80余名博士后,作了770 余次邀请报告,发表815余篇学术论文,其论文被引用45000余次。 

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